Monday, October 10, 2016

Solar readout

Since the weather did not cooperate this week and I worked till almost 6 on Saturday, I got very little done on the 5er till Sunday.
The last solar panel came in during the week, a 160 watt panel which now in addition to the 4 100 watt panels takes the charge controller to it max input level of 560 watts.
Mounting it on Sunday on the right (road side) of the 5er's roof there is now using a wattage scale for measuring the equivalent of 3 panels per side .
The importance of this is that because of the roof arc and the location of the vents, heater exhaust and tv antenna the panels locations were mounted heavy to the left (curb side) of the 5er. resulting in a stronger charge when the sun light hit the panels directly but tapered off to sooner as it moved across the sky and the angle worked against the panels.
Testing the system after the 160 watt panel install showed an immediate increase in performance of the system as it was overcast and still jumped from 1 amp output to 3.8 amp output. So now with the additional panel installed the performance of the system has been stabilized.
Notes for the changes made.
My current system output as of 09/19/2016 on 5er
4.5 hr x 80% x 560 watt panels = 2016 watt hr per day Minnesota
5.5 hr x 80% x 560 watt panels = 2464 watt hr per day Utah
Estimated watt hr needed per day = 2135 target non modest average

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