Monday, October 10, 2016

A wife comes in handy. :)

OK back to reality I shut down all power sources fire up the portable generator making sure it is out of smart mode so it's running faster and pulling more amps. I plug in the Godzilla cord first to the 5er and then to the generator. All seems well now off to the inside of the 5er for the same power tests.
Switching on the breakers all functions seemed to be working well, Lights on, 120 volt outlets on, 12 volt systems on, refrigerator on, I go throw the A/C switch on and the generator stumbles as it always does but this time there is a new noise coming from the 5er's basement and the A/C refuses to run.
What! It has run fine off the generator in the past this can't be, but is. Ever notice how sometimes it seems you take one step forward and then two steps back. Well that guy you just saw brake dancing was me.
My bride showed up just then which was a good thing as she helped ease me thru the frustration of a week of work on the system not to have it respond as expected. With her help I pulled amp and volt reading from every component of the system. Reanalyzed them attempting to find why the generator was failing to run all components of the 5er when it had previously. After a lot of trial and error we discovered that if matched just right after a full power dump we could get the A/C running again on generator. It seems (after a week of work and the mosquito attacking) that the threshold for the low voltage kick-out on the transfer switch is more sensitive than my generator and because of this the transfer switch kicks the generator off line when attempting to start the A/C.

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