Sunday, October 30, 2016

Farewell hugs and well wishes

This was the last weekend in Minnesota. It seems like a year since we started the process for living in our RV and traveling and here it is, two days away from hitting the road. The weekend held tearful and joyful celebrations with friends each day. Marks last day at work was, as he put it, a freeing experience. With well wishes said and hugs all around we are leaving Minnesota for warmer weather and loads of new adventures.

Every day of living in our RV for the past month there has been something to learn about a whole different life style. Water conservation, power usage, propane levels, internet and phone are just a few of the challenges that we had to learn to deal with. It is eye opening how much we take all of these things for granted when living in a stick and brick home. Think about it a minute, do you stop and think about turning the microwave off before turning on the vacuum or how long you take a shower? These are just two things that we have to think of on a daily basis. All of this is doable if you just think before going forward. And it makes you appreciate everything you have.

So far the weather on Tuesday looks like it will be a nice day for tearing down and heading out. This will be the first tear down that we may not have to do in windy, wet, cold weather. PTL! Each tear down and set up has been cold and miserable, but we “weathered” through it each time. Nice weather would be a real blessing. And leaving the cold weather will be an added blessing. 

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you to two the best as you start this next chapter in your lives. Will be fun to follow you along the way and to hear about your adventures. God Bless and take care!!
