Monday, October 10, 2016

Miss Lola loves water.

Sunday we brought our camper back into town. The weather was not the most pleasant but God kept the heavy rain at bay for us. After the colder temps, damp air and wind, it felt good to turn on the heat and just relax in the evening.
Monday and Tuesday I have been busy bringing things to our new home. Muscles that I've not used in a long time are telling me I need to slow down and take a break soon. Mark speaks louder than my muscles so I WILL be taking tomorrow off and just putz in the camper.
Taking a short reprieve from unpacking I took our patient little Miss Lola for a much needed walk. Talk about a caged animal being set free. Keeping her from totally ripping my arm out of the socket was nothing short of a miracle. She loved all the new sniffs and smells and couldn't wait to get to the next one. We walked to the boat landing and I expected her to be cautious of the water, but NOOOOO. She ran right in and began swimming!!!!!! Thankfully I had her on her leash but again it was a miracle that I got her "reeled" in back to shore. She tried to pull her head out of her harness. My goodness does that dog love water. We won't be walking in the direction again anytime soon. LOL But she was one happy wet dog, so I guess it was worth the sore arm and hand to make her so happy. She has been such a good girl during this move so she earned her "swim".

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