Friday, October 14, 2016

Moving on out

This morning the movers showed up at the apartment right on schedule and got right to work. No one got hurt and nothing got broken. But that’s not to say we didn’t have a little excitement to add to the morning…….

After getting to the apartment this morning I realized I forgot the check book to pay the movers. So once Mark got to the apartment and things were moving along nicely, I went back home to get the checkbook. As I was bringing the key to the lock I could see that it was broken. Of course I thought the worse and called Mark to tell him the RV had an attempted break in. OMG, I was fit to do damage. hehe The door was locked and the lock was missing so I couldn’t even get in to see if anything was wrong or see if Lola was ok. Upset and angry I headed back to the apartment as Mark headed to the RV. 

When I got back to the apartment the movers were ready to head to the storage unit. My goodness those guys from Almighty Movers really can move!!!! Because I really wanted my second Helix in storage too,  they packed things so both bikes fit with a little room to spare. I was amazed. In two hours we were moved out and our things were locked up tight in storage.

No, I didn’t forget about the missing lock. When Mark got to the storage facility, he told me the missing  lock had come off with his key, and was in his pocket!!!!!!!  He didn’t even realize that is what had happened. There was no attempted break in, just a husband that doesn’t know his own strength. hehe I have now purchased a new and better lock. 

My friend Lorrie, came to the apartment after the movers left and helped me finish the cleaning. Now all I have to do is wait for closing. :) Signing our names will be the easiest work in this whole process. Saying good bye to our friends will be the hardest. But we will be back some time for a visit.

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