Monday, October 10, 2016

First Weather alert

How dare I forget the latest storm at the end of July. I had just come back to the camper from doing a couple loads of laundry when my storm skills were tested. Ok, so the first warning came on my phone and I saw; tornado warning in your area. I looked out the window and thought it was an old message, now where is the one I just heard. Dah, never second guess a tornado warning when it comes across your phone. Within second the sirens in town went off. Being a ready for anything kind of gal, cough cough, I grabbed my purse, cell phone, car keys, locked the camper and jumped into the Escape. Off I went still looking at the sky, while tooling along at 45 mph in town. When all of a sudden the sky got pitch black. Oh NO! Where are the apartment keys. Oh crap, they are not in my pocket or purse. Yes, I was breaking the law, distracted driving. Ok plan B. head to a girlfriend's house. Thanks to God, at least her husband was home so I had shelter....... But the sky was only black to the north. Maybe I could head back to the camper. I don't mind storms, but my darling hubby, worries about me so I clear out and head for shelter. ;) As if the storm could read my mind the skies opened up and we couldn't see the backyard. Yeah, I waited it out in the house of my friend.
After the all clear was given, back to the campground I went, at a much slower speed. ;) I should have asked Lorrie if I could borrow her boat because it was a lake all around the camper. Most of the campers were surrounded by water. Mark's motorcycle was luckily still standing even though it was parked in rain soaked grass. When he got home we moved it to a plank. In fact the next morning we had to use a ladder as a dock to get from the electrical plug in without turning into burnt offerings.
All in all we weathered that storm quite well. PTL

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