Monday, October 10, 2016

A lot of prep work is just beginning.

There is more to do than just pack up and head out. Mark has been working on little things on the truck to make it ready for our travels. The truck itself is great and ready to go, it’s the little things we want/need to make it even more ready for the trip.
After we realized that there may not always be cell phone service we looked into CB radios. A thing that isn’t used much anymore although there are some that still use it for the same reason as we will be using it for. Incase help is needed it’s nice to have a means of connecting with someone that can help us or find someone that can. The unit we purchased also has a weather band on it to keep us abreast of inclement weather that we wish to avoid or to be prepared. Mounting the CB requires some wiring and mounting.
A back up camera and monitor was purchased and proved to be faulty, but not after a lot of work. That of course was done on one of the hottest days of the summer. Well it started out like a nice day, but became lizard weather as the day progressed. By the time Mark came in he was not lizard like but looked more like he just came out of the pool. Poor guy. The company did refund our money but that was little compensation for all the sweat and work Mark put into it trying to get the unit to function.
Next on his list is to mount the solar panels to the roof of the camper. He has worked and studied hard to learn what he needs to know about getting the job done right. Without a doubt there will be more to learn as the work progress’s as well. I pray that he will have help with that. Sadly I’m no help since I can’t get more than two feet off of the ground without losing my balance or worse yet, my stomach. Aren’t I going to do well on the mountain roads? You really don’t need to answer that one, we already know the answer to that question.
It would be great if I could say that once the panels are mounted we are ready to hit the road. But we still have to sell our home and wait for Mark to retire in December. There are and always will be some things that will still need to be done. We will after all be living in a trailer. Having lived in a trailer house when we were first married we have an idea of how much maintenance an RV could require.

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