Monday, October 10, 2016

Blood and sweat

After many hours and at least 100 times of bumping my bald head against the 5er in every location imaginable while contorted into positions I couldn't do even as a child I am ready to test the system. I triple check each and every line connection and routing as this is not the time for mistakes to be made. I even pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall to have at the ready should it be needed and flipped the switch sending solar power to the secondary line of the transfer switch, once the two main circuits were turned on the pull in winding's engaged in the transfer switch and the 5er had power both 120 and 12 volt!
I checked the lights, outlets and even the fridge, they all powered up as if the 5er was in a park tied to shore power. I even turned the A/C on briefly and it to my surprise also ran but as known was drawing more power than the solar system could support and shut itself down.
I will admit after this original high of achieving this state of upgrade to the 5er I feel the need for more power............ Some old habits just die hard I guess.
But speaking of more power it was time to test out the other half of the upgrade and that is to tie in and then switch over to Generator Power/ Shore Power. Now I had already tested the Generator powering the 5er before but not since I had routed it's access thru the transfer switch.
Backing up the Beast to the rear of the 5er I drag out the power cable that feels heavy enough to power all or at least half of Silver Lake. I am making a mental note should they ever build a device that allows for power distribution wirelessly, end of story it is what I want for Christmas.
I say it seems to be as I finished for the day and at this point am not going to be working at this today. As it is the last day of my vacation my wife has told me (with a stare that said I don't want to know what will happen if I do) that I am taking today off. And every one that knows me knows I ALWAYS listen to my bride.

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