Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019

The days are starting to get much warmer so I'm glad the majority of the unpacking of boxes and totes is done. It's been like Christmas opening the boxes and finding my treasures and tools. Things are gradually getting put into place. Not the place they will stay but wherever I found room. The job is to unpack, put anywhere and organize later. Good thing I enjoy organizing because there is a lot of that to get done.

With such a busy week we missed the day Lola was to go to the groomers. When they opened again on Tuesday I called to apologize and reschedule. They remembered that I wasn't sure when we would be back from MN. So kind of figured that we weren't back yet. So now Lola will go in next week. And boy does she need a cut and a bath. Poor baby. I have notes all over so I don't miss the day again!!!!

Monday we went to Lowes and after much deliberation decided on two cabinets to put on the porch to accommodate some of our stuff. That done we actually got the porch empty of boxes and totes and there is still room in the cabinets for what is left in the garage.

 The Precious Treasures charity drop off in the park has really gotten a lot of good stuff that I no longer need. That should make some less fortunate family very happy. I am selling some things on the Facebook garage sale page too. I'm not giving everything away. Some things I know I can sell and I've sold some already.

There was a pizza and pool party in our park on Memorial day. Sadly it wasn't much fun like our usual gatherings of fulltimers. The pizza was from Papa Johns and we thought it was terrible. Instead of everyone being within talking distance there were two groups so not much socializing was done. Quite a few, including us, left early. It wasn't really warm enough to use the pool that day but some did take a dip at least once. It has to be at least 100ยบ for me to hit the pool. hehe