Monday, May 27, 2019

May 12, 2019

Sunday morning we left the motel to head to Hutch. Only we didn't go straight to Hutchinson. Mark surprised me with a route for me to see my mom. She was surprised to see us. It was so great to see her coherent and able to visit this time. Shortly before we got there she was given some morphine and another water pill. So about an hour later she was becoming confused and very tired. Randy and Julie stopped to see mom just as we were leaving so we got to see them for a short bit. I had a nice Mothers Day surprise that I will remember for years. Only one thing would have made it better.

We got to Hutch about 6:30 or so. After settling in to the Motel, Mark went to see his friends in Silver Lake, and I took a shower and settled in after a nice long shower. I'll be meeting Patty and some friends before heading back home to Yuma.