Monday, May 27, 2019

May 11, 2019

Saturday started out chilly and cloudy, but that didn't put a damper on the joy of the day. Now and then a breeze would come in and blow over some things, but with a of adjustments it was back in place unscathed. The decorations were what I would call simple elegance. Maria worked hard and did a great job of putting together all the decorations and the choreography of the whole wedding. The theme was of the Lord of the Rings which is a game they greatly enjoy and are very much involved. The bridesmaids attire were reflections of the women of the game, as were the swords which were raised for Maria to cascade down the isle to Lincoln, her groom. A dear friend of theirs officiated the ceremony, His words were very touching and heartfelt. The best man gave a speech that had us in tears and he even said some words in the language of their game. Or so I think it was, I only understand english. hehehe There were many speeches from friends and Maria's family. They all touched our hearts and had Mark and I in tears once again. Hearing how many and how Lincoln touched so many lives made us very proud parents. The praises made toward Maria gave us a better insight to the wonderful person she is. The love that Maria and Lincoln have for one another was so very evident. It made this mom and dad so very proud.

Following the ceremony was cocktail hour and pictures. The wind was not being kind for the outdoor pictures but it didn't hamper the spirits one bit. Dinner of steak, salmon, cheese potatoes, almond green beans, and candied carrots satisfied everyones hungry stomach well. The sustenance was needed for the dance that followed the meal. And everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.

The bride and groom started the dance with their practiced first dance. What a wonderful dance it was too. Then an anniversary dance was next. All married couples were asked to the dance floor. The DJ asked for those married for less than 6 months to leave the floor, then one year, 5 years and so on. That left Mark and I being the last ones on the dance floor, being married the longest.

We didn't stay for the last dance of the night. My toes were frozen to the bone and us old folks were tired and worn out. So around 9 we left for out motel.