Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 13, 2019

Monday morning after breakfast we each went our own way. Mark visited friends and I met Patty for lunch and some shopping. She was my free Uber driver. Since nowhere in Yuma can we get good summer sausage or skin on wieners I needed to stop and get some at Walmart and Cashwise. Then to Aldi's for their diet bread and a candy treat for Mark.

Patty and I ate lunch at Jimmy's Pizza and it as delish. She got to see pictures of our new home and Lincoln wedding. There was a lot of talking going on!!!! It was so great to see her again. She wasn't feeling up to par but she still drug me around town.

Mark called around 4:30 and said he would pick m e up so we could get my motorcycle. Luckily Sharon was home so we could get Beauty. After some coaxing with a jump start Beauty started up. We chatted with Sharon while Beauty warmed up and then off we went. Mark took back roads since we had on current tab or insurance on the bike. We got as far as the Methodist church on school road and the rear tire went flat. After a hard exhausting puch up a hill Mark got the bike into the church parking lot. He rested for awhile and then we headed off to buy a tire plug kit and to Corey's for an air tank. The plug wouldn't hold so we needed more air in the tank. Off to Crow River Auto to get the air tank filled. David gave us a larger tank that he filled for us and some tools too. Ok back on the road, but not for long. About a block from hwy 15 round about, the second plug blew. Sitting and thinking Mark called Bobo for help.

While waiting for Bobo and Jeremy to come with a trailer, Mark had me run and get heavy rope and ratchet ties we needed in the rental truck to tie down the bikes. The guys showed up shortly after I got back to Mark. Jeremy pushed Beauty onto the trailer and held onto her while she was being strapped down tightly onto the trailer. Off to the storage shed we went with Bobo in a truck pulling the trailer and the rest of us following.

John had to cut the padlock off for us since we lost the keys in our last move. The shed was too full for Beauty to enter so Jeremy pushed her towards Johns shop and Mark covered her with the bike cover. Thanks and hugs all around for the help.

There is no Menards in AZ so we had to stop and look around. Flying to MN meant we had no tools of any kind. Which is what we may need on our long drive back to Yuma. So Mark picked up a multi tool and of course some munchies.

It was 9 before we finally had time to eat supper. Most places were closing so we opted for Taco Johns again. Good thing we like their taco's. Tummies content we headed back to the motel. A very stressful day made idling down difficult.