Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Due to the large amount of stuff we still have in storage we purchased a portable carport/garage on Monday. Harbor Freight had them on sale at a very good price. Yesterday Mark finished with the assembly and Shelby got to park in it last night. The little SmartCar fits perfectly and there will still be room for our motorcycles. When our things get here from MN some totes will go in there until we can sort through everything. It will be hot so we will bring boxes in as we empty the ones in the house.

We never got all of our possessions sold by the time we left MN in the Montana so they are waiting in storage for us to go through and keep or give away. Now that we have a bigger place to live we will get to keep more than if we were still in the little trailer. Of course it will be hot by the time we get our things here and unloaded from the truck. I'll have plenty to keep me busy all summer long. But there isn't much else to do in the summer other than going to the pool in the mornings.

Yesterday after supper I went with Mark to the pool again. I didn't last long the water wasn't very warm again. The wind made the wet skin ice cold so it wasn't a refreshing swim to me.  I'll not go again unless we go in the warmer afternoon or the temps are higher. The heater gets turned off in the summer because the sun warms the water in the pool nicely. I'm not sure if the heater is off or not, but the water was to cold for me. Right now the evenings are cool so it takes a long time to warm the water to a comfortable temperature for me. My toes were so cold by the time I walked home last night they hurt. The big heavy towel kept most of me from frostbite. LOL A hot shower warmed me up some when I got home. I just don't do cold well at all anymore.