Thursday, May 23, 2019

May 10, 2019

Friday morning we woke up to a very cold outside temp of 36º. We are not used to that anymore. And I'm glad I brought a winter coat along. I'll be needing it. All we did was sit and rest the morning away and I even took a nsp, which I never do. Yesterday really zapped us.

Early afternoon we went to Ramsay Park and Lincoln took us on a quick tour of the park. We saw the beautiful falls and fast rolling river. The wedding party was busy setting up things for the wedding tomorrow. The sun was shining but it was chilly. But the warm welcome from Lincoln and Patrick warmed me to my toes. It was so great seeing them again.

Mark and I didn't have lunch and we were getting mighty hungry. We stopped at a Country Kitchen only to find that they had just closed. One of the employees saw us and let us in anyway. Wow. They were doing the end of the day cleaning. We found it odd that they closed at 3 in the afternoon but in such a small farming community we understood.

After a quick bite we headed back to the park for rehearsal. What a fun time that was. Everyone was so full of excitement and jocularity. Lincoln's dog Rory was not at all happy with all the repetition so she tried a few times to hide from Patrick. But Patrick did a good job of keeping her where she needed to be. Yes, Rory is in the wedding and lined up with the groomsmen with Patricks guidance.

Rehearsal over and off to the grooms dinner and a cocktail. Maria had a burger and hot wing bar planned. With a tossed salad, bread stick, relishes, and tater tots, everyone left with full tummies. The guys headed back to the motel for a game that they enjoy. Mark went along to watch and I opted for the motel and a nice hot shower.