Thursday, May 2, 2019


Even though we have been preoccupied with moving and bringing our stuff from MN to Yuma, we also have something else exciting to look forward to,  it’s the reason for the trip to MN to begin with. Our son is getting married on the 11th of May. We are excited to see them begin their life together as man and wife. The sad part is that Mark, I and Marks sister and husband will be the only one of Lincoln’s relatives there. Not one of his cousins took the time to even send back an RSVP. He was broken hearted and I felt so bad for him. But I reminded him that we are the black sheep of the family. I thought he was used to it by now, but he still hurt badly. Emails, snail mail and roads only go one way and he and us have lived in the wrong direction. Barb, his aunt and Godmother and Uncle David have been to many of his activities even though they lived several hours away. They have invited him to holidays, never forgot his birthdays, and such, he was never felt left out or made to feel forgotten by them. He will now be sharing a life with a family that enjoys each others company and thrives to stay in touch. I’m so happy for him to have that in his life. My cousin Patty has been a constant in my life. As our children were growing and we were busy with our children's need, we didn’t connect as often as we would have liked, life just got in the way, but  we still at least sent cards to one another and knew we were just a phone call away. And now more than ever I am happy we have each other. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t contact me in some way shape or form. I don’t have to be the first one to make the move and neither does she.  It’s just a given that we will hear from one another.

God bless the marriage of our son Lincoln and his love, Maria.

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