Monday, April 29, 2019


It won't be long now and all of our stuff will be out of MN storage and home, here in Yuma. For quite a few weeks our new home is going to look like a warehouse. There will be totes all over the place to go through and things to find a place for here. I know that some things will be donated due to lack of room and really no need for them anymore.

Living here in AZ is way different than in MN. It's more laid back here and less of the keep up with the Jones's. Things that are needed in MN are no longer needed in Yuma. No need for snow shovels, or lawnmowers for one thing. A broom and a torch for weeds works much better. Although we don't have any of that in storage anyway. The pace around here is much slower, more relaxed and less expensive as well. It's a very simple life. They could put more effort in their upkeep of the roads to say the least. I have 5 totes of Christmas decorations that I will no longer have a need for too. All I want to keep is our little tree, the ornaments, and one white electric church that I can leave up year round Anyone want about 11 village houses and all the extras?

We eat or at least I cook differently here too. Seasonal foods are different due to the difference in weather. So some kitchen items will be donated as well. That will break my heart since I still love to cook. But like I said we eat differently. Baking is only done in the winter months because of the summer heat and a/c. Actually I'm not even sure of what all is in storage anymore, until I wish I had something. Some sewing and quilting things that I wasn't sure what to do with may go to a good friend who still quilts quite a bit. But again I'm not sure what it is that I haven't already given her and what is left. hehehe

There are many things that I've missed having during the past few years but have restrained from purchasing, hoping that someday I'll have it again. Well that day is closer to becoming a reality and I'm super excited. It will be nice to have my pictures of family around me again too. Sadly we don't have a lot of wall space but where there is a will there's a way. hehehe

Mark is really excited to have his motorcycle here. Summer is really too hot to do much riding especially if you want to dressed appropriately. And in the winter there are so many snowbirds around that it's not much fun dodging the poor drivers. So I'm not sure how long I'll keep my bike or sell it. But I'm somewhat excited to have it here and ride if even for  a little bit each year. Mark on the other hand just plain loves to ride.

Today and tomorrow we have to get our old place cleaned up and totally cleaned out. Ray moves in on Wednesday so it needs to be ready for him. God has given us two really nice days to get the work done so we need to give thanks and get to work. Time now to get busy........

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