Friday, April 19, 2019

Windows and RV

A beautiful sunny, 67º morning. The sounds outside are telling me that the Foothills are already busy busy, and the birds and singing praises for the nice morning. 

HOT this afternoon so I hope to hurry to the laundry room this morning and get the sheets on the lines before the heat rolls in. I have no plans to do much of anything other than cook meals. I've no idea what I'm making for any meal today either. I'm hoping that something comes to mind sooner than later.

Tonight at 7 we will go to church for the Good Friday service. At least I'm hoping that we make it. We were so moved last year and look forward to it again tonight. 
The only thing I did yesterday was dust mop the floors. Today I have nothing planned for the day other than laundry. But you never know about us. hehehe

Well, we did find somethings to do that really needed to be done. We covered the windows with window insulation in preparation for summer. Just like we did in MN for the winter. Only this time we want the cool air in and the hot air to stay out.  

On the way to get the window stuff for the big window we were hungry so stopped for lunch. We drive right by the place that has our RV on consignment. We noticed a sign on it so we stopped to see what was up. Someone has put money down which we were very happy to see. The salesman called us after we got home and wanted us to pay for the a new hitch on the camper and wanted us to take $2000 less for the RV too yet. No way, either was happening. They are making good money on it and can well afford to cover that cost. Mark told them we want the hitch back since it is worth way more than the hitch they want on. We can sell it and get some if not all of our money back. Now to wait and see if the camper is really sold. The people got the loan it’s the salesman that is dicking with us. Mark  knows the game.  

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