Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Day off

Yesterday neither of us got much of anything done and it felt good to take a day off. We have been busting our butts for the last three weeks. Wow, has it been that long already?

In the afternoon I went to our bank here in Yuma and opened another savings account. I need to keep our lot rent fund separate from anything else so that it doesn't accidently get spent. Now it's just a matter of transferring from our bank in MN to our bank in Yuma. It's a slow process due to automatic withdrawals and deposits involved. But by next month it should all be done.  I'm still waiting for Mark to get his one thing done so I can move forward with the rest.

Today is the only cool cloudy day of the week. By Friday we could hit 100º, so I hope that Mark can get the softener down from the old place and installed here, today. The hard water is really doing a sad number on my hair and skin. Not to mention all the hard water stains on everything else.

Mark had a doctors appointment yesterday and was told he could go off of all the diabetes medications. His A1C was excellent. Hopefully he will still be careful with what and how much he eats so he can stay off of the meds. 

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