Sunday, April 14, 2019

The shower door is gone.

After Mark went to work I headed down to do the laundry. Sheets and everything went on the lines. It was windy when I started hanging things on the lines and half way through the job the went lessened.  It took 3 machines to get everything washed today. But the king size sheets take up a machine on their own. It's so nice not having all the snowbirds here. 😃

When I got home I began the tear down of the awful shower doors. I hate shower doors. They make a bathroom look grungy, hard to get into the shower and I feel like I’m taking a shower in a shoe box. Getting the caulking and gunk off was the hardest part. And boy was it gross under the bottom rail. Nothing like having something gross and dirty right by you when you are showering to get clean. I didn’t have the right tools to get the job done, but as a women we can figure out how to do things without them. I remember that for years all I had was a table knife, wooden shoe/clogs, and a pliers. I got a lot of things done with just them. Dad gave me an old hammer of his when he heard how I put the new seats on my kitchen chairs. hehehe My niece Amy gave me a purple tool box one year for Christmas and if I need any type of tool I'll use what is in there. If I have to make do without a certain tool, I can go that too. But I had better have any kitchen tool I need at hand. LOL 😉

By the time I was all done with the job, I hurt all over and my hands were having trouble holding on to anything. Why do I always push myself to finish things?  A few hours later I had enough umpff to take a shower. It was nice being able to get in and out without almost tripping or falling. And it was a lot cleaner too. The whole bathroom looks and feels cleaner. 

Palm Sunday and it’s off to church and then I’m thinking I should rest the rest of the day. Well that is after I get the ironing done. One of these days I need to get some serious cleaning done and not just a lick and a promise.

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