Wednesday, April 10, 2019

To old to do another move.

It seems that every time a person moves it not just all the packing, sorting, cleaning and unpacking. It's also upgrading the things that don't quite meet your needs or the need to replace items because after you move in they break down. All of which is the case here.

Yesterday Mark worked his tail off making the shed fulfill his needs. It was full of unwanted pieces of worthless wood and a floor that you could've fallen through.  So the floor needed to be fixed to support the items that need to go in there.  We also loaded up and moved all the items left at the little place and quite a bit from the shed. All this on an extremely windy, 99º day. By the time Mark came in for the day or rather the evening, he stated that this is the last time we move. I was in total agreement. We are just getting to old to go through all this again. But the upgrade of our home is so very nice to have.

As I said it was a hot and windy day. And we found out that the thermostat does indeed NOT work right. It has a hard time knowing what the room temperature is by evening. The dumb thing said it was 82º for the longest time when in fact the temp inside had gone to 78º. I had to manually turn off the thermostat and turn it on again.  So today it's one more expense, to purchase a new thermostat. At least the next several days it won't be so hot that we will need the a/c running. But it's still one more thing that Mark has to get done before he goes to work on Saturday. Of the two added projects, the thermostat should be an easier job than putting in a new over the range microwave. 😧 Putting in the microwave is a two man job and I don't qualify as the second man. I can't hold anything of that weight for long.

Today is laundry day and I have a few errands to run. So one more sip of my coffee and then I better get my duff in gear.

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