Saturday, April 13, 2019

Two down

It took a lot of work but the new microwave is in and working great. It took us too long to get it in because the ceiling vent was being very uncooperative and kept moving lower when we wanted it up and up when it needed to be lower. After it was finally installed we found a panel that was loose and would've eased our issues with the vent connection. Figures doesn't it? 

The big cabinet got moved yesterday. Talk about heavy, man it sure was. Built a new back for it with plywood, which really improved its stability!
The cabinet is about 3/4ths full And we are still in need of another cabinet for stuff that we still have in MN that we plan on keeping

Got up early this morning with the heat pump on my mind. The thermostat which I believed was bad, was showing a high pressure code. So this morning I did some more research and testing and came to the same conclusion as I had before. I replaced the thermostat and it now works according to plan! Yeah a win for us! I'll take a $30 vs $300 dollar bill any day!!!!!!! So now when we turn the a/c or furnace on it should shut off when it reaches the set temperature.

Next project is to get rid of the stupid shower doors!!!! They are too low and make it too difficult for me to get in and out of the small tub/shower area.

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