Friday, April 5, 2019

Today Mark put in the bedroom ceiling fan. So now we have a usable light in there. Since the bed is right under the fan it was quite a balancing act for Mark. At times I wasn't sure he was going to fall or just tip over. OMG, what an ordeal. But never fail Mark got the job done. And only as Mark can do, there was a mess when he finished. But then I am kind of anal about cleaning as I go. The new fan looks nice and works well. As always, Mark did a great job. When we opened the box of the fan for the living room we found that we had grabbed the wrong color. So next week back to Lowes we will go and exchange it for the one we wanted. At least we have a couple lamps in the living room for light.

After Mark went to work I did some cleaning, no surprise there. The wood floors show the dirt so easily. Not like carpet that hides it in the fibers, day after day after day. So I vacuumed, dust mopped and scrubbed all the floors.  I'm thinking that will be a daily task. But they do look so nice when clean. It's not like we ever get company here, but we do take pride in our homes.

The bathroom curtain came today so I got that hung. Not quite the color I had hoped it would be but it will at least match the towels, but not quite match the rugs. Hey, for only $6, who am I to complain? Every curtain in this place but the AZ room was white. There is no "color" in any room. All the walls are what is called Arizona beige. So I need a lot of accent colors so brighten up and make things pop a bit. This afternoon I put foil in the bedroom windows to block out the south and west sun. It's just temporary. Later we will put in insulated foil on those windows and a few others to keep the summer sun and heat of Yuma out!

The living room, bedroom, bathrooms and kitchen are pretty much in order. The Arizona room or family room that we decided to call it, needs help!!!!! Until the desk gets here everything is piled onto the craft table so it looks a mess.  Next week we will bring over the desk and freezer. We have two very nice dressers in storage that will go in the family room and be used for storage. Storage in a park model is not  very plentiful. But this model has way more than our little one had. I'll be very happy when all rooms are in order and I can get back to a more normal routine. I know Mark will be very happy to have his shed all set up as well. He seems to like his own area for his computer, where I don't get in his way or he in mine. It was challenging using the kitchen table to do anything and everything in our other place.

Once the inside of the old place is emptied, I can do the cleaning in there, turn off the power, lock the doors and say "good-bye sweet little trailer, you served us well".

Next week Mark has off and he has his week planned of things he would like to get done. That means extra cleaning for me. hehehe But I'll be happy when he can just sit back and enjoy our new home too.

No one ever said that moving was fun. And when you do it all by yourself, it really stinks.  And after we get our things from MN to here, more packing and organizing will need to be done. As well as tossing and donating. Some tossing may need to be done before we haul it all to Yuma.  Our park model is only so big.  And the walls are not made of elastic so they don't stretch to fit!

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