Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

What a beautiful morning, Christ has risen and I am blessed by His grace. Our 9 o'clock Easter service was really hopping this morning. The music  was so uplifting and joyous that we all were singing loud praises. Pastor Tom delivered a wonderful message and had many in smiles and thoughts of our heavenly home. I know I walked away feeling blessed beyond measure. There were three baptism's today in the courtyard, where coffee and cinnamon rolls were offered as others watched the commitment of their faith. How wonderful to be baptized the same day we celebrate the day Christ rose from the dead.

Our Easter dinner consisted of New York Strip on the grill with sauteed mushrooms, toast and fresh strawberries for dessert. Everything turned out great. After dinner Mark took his customary nap before he had to leave for work while I sat and reflected on the morning and then did the few dishes. hehehe

Afternoon led me to Walmart to take care of my ever growing list. I had to just stop writing things down and ignore some items or I would need a truck to bring the stuff home. Because of the holiday, and lack of snowbirds,  the store was delightfully not busy. My poor little SmartCar was loaded with wares on the way home. It took some work to get it all in the house, unpacked and put away. But we should be good for another week or so. I hope.

Tomorrow we need to go and get a new toilet for our main bathroom. It was rocking badly so Mark was concerned that some damage could've been done, and not to just tighten the bolts but also replace the stool. Who knows how long it was rocking and rolling. We don't want to have floor issues under the stool. According to Lowes website they have a toilet that is 17 1/2 inches high. Just what this long legged old lady needs to get on and off with relative ease. Now I'm praying that they really do in fact have one in the store.  Mark has off most of the week so I'm sure he will have other projects to do and take a day or two off and just enjoy our new home.

                                        Happy Easter from Yuma, AZ!!

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