Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May17, 2019

Saturday morning we started our day with a good breakfast and coffee before heading towards Utah. We really enjoyed our stay at Little America.

The drive to Utah was a good ride. We love the beautiful state and would have chosen to live there if there was no snow, humidity or bugs. But it has all that.

When we first arrived at James and Bettie's we parked in the parking lot of the church across the street.  It was so great seeing them again and as usual we never lacked for something to talk about. James treated us to a great supper at a cafe called Jim's. We ate there once before with them and the food is wonderful.

They had a bed already for us so we didn't need to stay at any motel while there.  And in the morning Bettie treated us to eggs, sausage, toast, juice and coffee. What a treat that was too. They really would have liked for us to stay longer but we needed to hit the road. We still had a two day drive ahead of us and the truck needed to get back on a certain day.

Even though we said we would limit our drive time to 350 miles, we only made it one time. And heading home from Utah was no different. As we grew closer and closer to Yuma, we thought we would go all the way without stopping. One time we were going to stop and stay in a motel, but thought, oh heck we made it this far, it's not much further now.  Anyway we did the never again trip and traveled 700 miles without staying anywhere along the way. From Utah to Yuma in one day.

We got home around 12:30, brought our suitcases and such into the house. After a bit of an unwind it was to bed. It felt great to sleep in our own bed that night.