Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 14, 2019

Mak got up a bit before 6 to pick up Bobo for their trip to the cities to drop off the rental car and pick up the rental truck. Prayers being said for a safe and hassle free drive. But there were still issues. They didn't have the truck ready and it was never serviced. Mark and Bobo checked the oil and found that it was 2 quarts low. From what I learned Bobo really laid into them good!!!! You don't mess with friends. I'm sure the guys did a lot of catching up on the drive back to Hutch in the truck. And I know that they will miss each other greatly. But I also know they will see each other again.

I on the other hand had a lunch with my two best friends. I walked to Squeaky's on a beautiful sunny day and got a ride back to the motel from Dawn. My friend Wendy kept me sane during the worst year working at Park Elementary. Everyone treated me horribly except for Wendy. Her kind words and actions were soothing and got me through many many hard days. Dawn has been a true friend and sister in Christ and has stayed in constant contact with me since leaving MN. I'm forever grateful that God brought these two amazing ladies into my life.

It was so fun catching up and reminiscing with Wendy. We shared many laughs and our hopes of what is to come. Dawn is always a good listener and has kept me grounded. I tend to lose my way from time to time but she has a way of reeling me back. I couldn't love those two ladies more.