Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 14, 2019

Tuesday evening we had a great group of friends help us load all of our belongings from storage into the rental truck. Jeremy and Bobo showed up early. They had the challenge of getting the bikes into the truck. One with a flat tire and the other with a stone dead battery that refused to stay running. So that meant pushing the heavy bikes up the loading ramp. Argh!!! Then the next issue of how to get the bikes strapped down. There were no D rings or anything to stap the ratchet straps to. But putting the three heads together they got the bikes secured. Harlan, Duane, David and Dawn showed up after they got off work. It was funny hearing a comment that Mark had more in storage than I. Within two hours our shed was empty and the truck was ready for us to roll out in the morning. Stuffed right up to the doors all of our belongs were inside the truck. Without the help of such wonderful friends we never would have gotten the truck loaded. God Bless these treasures we call friends.

All the furniture will need a very good cleaning with Murphy's Oil Soap and elbow grease. The three years in MN dampness caused a lot of surface mold and mildew. That had me in tears. But I can fix that, or at least I hope that I can.