Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 20, 2019

After a good nights sleep in our own bed we took our time enjoying our coffee and being home again. But we didn't forget our little girl. We didn't dawdle long before we went to pick up Lola at the kennel.

Lola was so very happy to see us. She literally squealed as she ran around in circles and jumping on us for a kiss, only to do it all over again. It was so cute and funny. Last time there was only for a week, this time it was two weeks and we really missed her too. She happily went into the back of the SmartCar to head home. Once in awhile she would sneak her head up front to give us a kiss and get a hug.

I'm not sure of the time but we started to unload the truck ourselves on Monday. Since we were back a day early, the help from the church wasn't there to help us. But little by little, sweat and sore muscles we got the boxes unloaded.

The furniture and the bikes Mark needed help with so he called the church to see if they could come a day early. Nope, they all had planned for the following day. Thankfully a couple neighbors came to help Mark. The bikes were pushed into the portable garage and the furniture in its place inside the house. The following morning Mark had to take the truck back to Penzke's.

The fun begins.... cleaning the smelly mildewed furniture, and unpacking a multitude of boxes and totes. Not to mention making room for  it and deciding what to keep, sell and give away. Not an easy task to say the least. This will hopefully be the last downsize we have to do for a very long long time.