Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Good thing we were home and done unloading, because Friday morning I woke up with a nasty case of Vertigo. I spent all day and Saturday night in bed. Poor Lola was totally neglected but she did not neglect me. She laid by the bed the whole time. I was only able to let her out to go potty once, hanging on to the door frame, and then back to bed for me. When Mark got home from work he took her out for he nightly.

Saturday morning I was feeling better. Not 100% but as the day went on I was back up to par by later afternoon. So my plans of cleaning on Saturday went down the tubes. Mark softened the water in the morning and went to work in the afternoon. I just sat in my recliner waiting to get my strength back. My back hurt so badly from just lying in bed all day yesterday, it felt better being in a bent sitting position. But it's hard for me to sit still when I have work to do. Long day for me.

This morning Mark let me sleep in so I missed church but he went alone. We love going to our new church and hate to miss. Mark said I needed the sleep so he let me sleep in this morning. Now I feel badly, but am thankful for the recuperative sleep. I feel much much better this morning.

Since I'm feeling better, it must be up to me to get Lola out for her morning duty run.