Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June 4, 2019

Monday started out ok, but ended poorly. Good grief I go from vertigo to running to the bathroom most of the day and all night yesterday. I hope today is a much better day.

Not much of anything got done yesterday, for obvious reasons, but I did manage to get some pictures hung. We don't have much for wall space so I had to be selective about what got hung and where. Some pictures went from frame to scrapbook. But at least now I have some family pictures around us.

Today Lola goes to the groomer and while there I'll stop at WM for a few things that I can out of yesterday. I prefer the WM further in Yuma than the one in the foothills because it's cheaper. Nope, not all WM's are priced the same. The manager can set the price as he thinks it should be. But what I need today is pretty much the same price in both stores. This morning I would like to take the leaf blower and blow the dirt off of the porch. A leaf blower works much better than trying to sweep a very full porch. And it's just plain quicker too. Why work so hard when I have a tool that can make work easier? 😀

Yesterday I had a very pleasant surprise. When I let Lola out the back door I noticed the hummingbird that keeps showing up by the porch. So I thought he was used to a feeder back there. Looking up along the awning I was trying to decide where to hang a feeder. When low and behold I saw a nest with mom sitting on it! I sure did get excited to see that. I quickly but carefully went back inside to get my phone to take a picture. She posed so nicely for me. We will be more careful going in and out that door from now on and use it less often too. What fun it will be to watch her feed the wee ones.
This is the first time I've ever seen a hummingbird nesting in the "wild". I've watched live camera feeds but this is way better. Now I can actually see just how tiny the nest is and wonder in awe at the tiny eggs and babies.