Friday, June 14, 2019

Still hot

Yesterday was hot but not as bad as the day before and today is cooler still. It's too warm this morning yet, to open up for some fresh morning air. But tomorrow is looking promising for opening up.

Up early to get the laundry done before the high heat of the day rolled in. I was done with it all, including the ironing by 10:30. The rest of the day I just lazed until we ran to WM.

On our way to do a little shopping Mark got called into work. So our shopping was done quickly. All the cutting of help and hours is biting WM in the butt. Even without Mark being scheduled to work he is putting in hours just by being called in to work. Yesterday the assistant manager and store manager were called to help in produce. They were happy to see Mark come in to work.

After setting up all my embroidery paraphernalia I set out to decorate some of my flour sack dish towels. Boy did I forget a lot. So I had to actually go back to reading the directions. Something that I don't usually have to do. I can usually figure it out on my own.  The towel turned out nice but took way longer than I had planned.  By that time Miss Lola needed to get her walk done.

Lola loves to get petted from the neighbors. Some were either sitting outside or in the golf cart. She made it her goal to stop by or stop them to say hi. She even wanted to visit the couple across the street who aren't even home right now. They give her treats so I guess she was looking for that. hehehe They all know her by name and don't hesitate to give her some attention.