Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019

For several weeks I've been out of sorts and the last week has been really not good.  Searching and studying has me thinking that I could possibly be lactose intolerant. It could have been a long running bug too, who knows. Anyway as of yesterday I stopped all dairy consumption. Milk is easy for me to give up but not the other good stuff. In three days I'll introduce dairy back into my diet. If all goes well  I will know I am not lactose intolerant and it could have just been something else. Time will tell.

The heat is really rolling in now so our outside time is very limited. And we try and do our running in the morning or evening when it's cooler. It's been predicted to be a cooler than normal summer, just like this winter was cooler than normal. Yes, Trump you moron, there is climate change all over the world. And has been for quite some time.

In spite of the heat on the outside and the a/c running, I hope to get some blueberry muffins made today. At least they don't require the oven running as long as a batch of cookies. Mark brought home some really good blueberries the other day so I will use some of them. They are so sweet and delicious too. Mark usually isn't a blueberry fan but he loves my blueberry muffins.