Thursday, June 20, 2019

June 20, 2019

Yesterday I got all the wash done and cleaned the family room in the afternoon. Now everything is clean and scrubbed. I tried to reorganize the kitchen counters to see if I couldn’t make it at least seem like there is room to cook. But it only looks like there is ample room. It’s very difficult to make anything. What I need to do is figure out a rhythm  so the lack of room won’t be such an issue. I don’t cook or bake like I used to so I don’t need as much room anymore, but this kitchen has terrible flow. But I’ll keep working on it until I get it to work for me.   The other night I watched the movie  “Julie and Julia”. I just love that movie. I figure if Julie in the movie can work in her teeny tiny kitchen that has less room than I do, I can figure out a way too. In the summer we eat out a lot more because it’s too hot to cook and Mark is never that hungry in the summer. So I haven’t really gotten a cooking routine down pat yet. I hope I get it figured out in time to make Christmas cookies. Although that isn't as grand as it used to be either.

 Tuesday the guy came to pick up Marks bike in the morning to fix the carburetor. He said the tire for my bike should be here sometime today and that he would call. Not sure how long it will take to fix Marks bike but once mine is done, we can plate it, get insurance and he can ride that one until his is done. I’m in no hurry, it’s too hot to ride. I won’t ride unless I am in full dress and it’s too hot for that right now. I'm not sure I even want to keep the bike anymore. Too hot to ride in the summer and in the winter there are too many snowbirds to make riding the bike any fun or safe. I don't even like to drive the car then.

Today Mark has off and I have a couple things for him on his to do list. Not sure when he will get at it but he need to at least get the water softened. The water here is so terribly hard. Our little RV softener is still doing a good job for us. PTL