Monday, June 10, 2019


You know you are in Yuma when the morning low is in the low 80's. When I took Lola out for her morning jaunt I broke a good sweat. I hate to sweat. But at least with no humidity one can  breathe. By afternoon, whether you can breathe or not, you will be staying indoors.

This morning I pulled out my little embroidery machine but the hoop part and the power cord are missing. Now where in the world did that go? AFter looking in the "garage" it still did not show up. If they are nowhere to be found I did see that Amazon carries the parts that I need. And it's cheaper than a new machine by far. 😀

 In the meantime I cut and remade a curtain panel in the bedroom. Back when we were still living at the house I bought a pair of lace balloon panels that I really liked. They matched our bedspread so nicely. Well I took them along to the apartment when we moved there. Still loving those curtains I kept them in storage hoping to use them in the Montana, but they didn't fit any of the windows. But  two of the three panels fit one of the bedroom windows here in the park model. The other two windows are very narrow and the one left over panel needed to be but in  half. In half meant that one window would be off by a pleat. So I had to make shift the "balloon" effect on the one window. What I did will work until it's time to wash them. But for now the window treatments in the bedroom are done and I like how it looks too. I'm so glad that I still had those lace panels. 😃