Sunday, June 16, 2019

Some days Mark starts out early.

As you know Cindy, Lola (our pup) and I got a new place this spring and have been spending most of our free time moving from out house down the road to the new to us one. Then we moved all our stuff down from MN to Yuma so I really didn't get a chance to do all the spring home readiness work done before spring ran into summer.
So it was a busy 5 am morning today. Got up, outside and started tearing down our heat pump, much like a central ac unit only bigger, for it's summercleaning, and was glad I did. It didn't have the leaves and dead grass they do in MN but it had a lot of dust and dirt packed into the fins of the condenser. And as I had to open the evaporator cover I carefully cleaned it and the drain tube to.
After that I washed my truck. Well I sort of cheated, I hand washed and rinsed it but I took it for a run down the I8 freeway to air dry it..... LOL Then came back washed the windows, cleaned up the dash and vacuumed it all out. That desert sand gets into everything. Good thing the interior is a light tan it hides the dust between cleanings.
All done by 8:00 am. Good thing I was as by 9 it was over 90 deg. already. And it got to 117 on our porch for the high today. So here if you have something "outside" that needs doing. You start Early.......... Or you don't start at all.
I think that is where the saying comes from. Today, Tomorrow or Never........!
It's Always an Adventure!