Sunday, June 23, 2019

Beautiful day

Good morning
It's a beautiful 72º so all the doors and windows are open. Oh, it feels so good, it feels like Yuma in the winter. Mark opened the back door and turned the fan on high and it woke me up. Oh well church this morning so now I won't have to hurry. 

After church and lunch I hope we can stop at the big Walmart and get the things on my list. Then I will have that off my to do list for today. This afternoon I'm meeting a lady that wants to buy my embroidery machine. I got it working but I really don't have any place to put it besides the cabinet on the porch. And they both are full and that is not a good place to keep machinery. It's not worth keeping just to use it once or twice every three years or so. It was different when I could have it set out all the time. Kind of like my sewing machine. It's a pain to drag it out all the time so it rarely gets used. And the same goes for my card making stuff. I'm thinking of selling most of that stuff too. I have a dresser full of craft stuff that just sits there only to be used about once a year. When there was a dedicated craft room I was in there all the time making something. We thought the family/AZ room would be the craft area, but it isn't working that way. It's our dining room, office and has two dressers and a freezer in it so it's full. Oh well, I'll find something else that doesn't take up so much room. 

Friday Mark took the tire for my bike back to the shop. They ordered the wrong tire for my Helix. The tire the guy ordered is for a small scooter. A Helix is much heavier so the tire the guy ordered for us is not safe. Now it has to go back and reordered. Mark’s not real happy, especially since I am the one that dug and found that the tire was wrong. He was going to let it go until I found that it’s not safe. He just took it for granted that it was the right tire. I doubt almost everyone and I just had a bad feeling about the tire so I asked some other Helix owners in a group I belong to and they all said it was unsafe. I even found the specs for the Helix. The shop owner was real nice about taking the tire back and has reordered one that is for the Helix. Now to wait some more. But better to be safe than sorry.