Wednesday, May 29, 2019

May 29, 2019

The days are starting to get much warmer so I'm glad the majority of the unpacking of boxes and totes is done. It's been like Christmas opening the boxes and finding my treasures and tools. Things are gradually getting put into place. Not the place they will stay but wherever I found room. The job is to unpack, put anywhere and organize later. Good thing I enjoy organizing because there is a lot of that to get done.

With such a busy week we missed the day Lola was to go to the groomers. When they opened again on Tuesday I called to apologize and reschedule. They remembered that I wasn't sure when we would be back from MN. So kind of figured that we weren't back yet. So now Lola will go in next week. And boy does she need a cut and a bath. Poor baby. I have notes all over so I don't miss the day again!!!!

Monday we went to Lowes and after much deliberation decided on two cabinets to put on the porch to accommodate some of our stuff. That done we actually got the porch empty of boxes and totes and there is still room in the cabinets for what is left in the garage.

 The Precious Treasures charity drop off in the park has really gotten a lot of good stuff that I no longer need. That should make some less fortunate family very happy. I am selling some things on the Facebook garage sale page too. I'm not giving everything away. Some things I know I can sell and I've sold some already.

There was a pizza and pool party in our park on Memorial day. Sadly it wasn't much fun like our usual gatherings of fulltimers. The pizza was from Papa Johns and we thought it was terrible. Instead of everyone being within talking distance there were two groups so not much socializing was done. Quite a few, including us, left early. It wasn't really warm enough to use the pool that day but some did take a dip at least once. It has to be at least 100º for me to hit the pool. hehe

May 20, 2019

After a good nights sleep in our own bed we took our time enjoying our coffee and being home again. But we didn't forget our little girl. We didn't dawdle long before we went to pick up Lola at the kennel.

Lola was so very happy to see us. She literally squealed as she ran around in circles and jumping on us for a kiss, only to do it all over again. It was so cute and funny. Last time there was only for a week, this time it was two weeks and we really missed her too. She happily went into the back of the SmartCar to head home. Once in awhile she would sneak her head up front to give us a kiss and get a hug.

I'm not sure of the time but we started to unload the truck ourselves on Monday. Since we were back a day early, the help from the church wasn't there to help us. But little by little, sweat and sore muscles we got the boxes unloaded.

The furniture and the bikes Mark needed help with so he called the church to see if they could come a day early. Nope, they all had planned for the following day. Thankfully a couple neighbors came to help Mark. The bikes were pushed into the portable garage and the furniture in its place inside the house. The following morning Mark had to take the truck back to Penzke's.

The fun begins.... cleaning the smelly mildewed furniture, and unpacking a multitude of boxes and totes. Not to mention making room for  it and deciding what to keep, sell and give away. Not an easy task to say the least. This will hopefully be the last downsize we have to do for a very long long time.

May17, 2019

Saturday morning we started our day with a good breakfast and coffee before heading towards Utah. We really enjoyed our stay at Little America.

The drive to Utah was a good ride. We love the beautiful state and would have chosen to live there if there was no snow, humidity or bugs. But it has all that.

When we first arrived at James and Bettie's we parked in the parking lot of the church across the street.  It was so great seeing them again and as usual we never lacked for something to talk about. James treated us to a great supper at a cafe called Jim's. We ate there once before with them and the food is wonderful.

They had a bed already for us so we didn't need to stay at any motel while there.  And in the morning Bettie treated us to eggs, sausage, toast, juice and coffee. What a treat that was too. They really would have liked for us to stay longer but we needed to hit the road. We still had a two day drive ahead of us and the truck needed to get back on a certain day.

Even though we said we would limit our drive time to 350 miles, we only made it one time. And heading home from Utah was no different. As we grew closer and closer to Yuma, we thought we would go all the way without stopping. One time we were going to stop and stay in a motel, but thought, oh heck we made it this far, it's not much further now.  Anyway we did the never again trip and traveled 700 miles without staying anywhere along the way. From Utah to Yuma in one day.

We got home around 12:30, brought our suitcases and such into the house. After a bit of an unwind it was to bed. It felt great to sleep in our own bed that night.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 15, 2019

Wednesday morning we checked the truck over for the long road ahead. The truck was full to the doors and OMG, we still had two suitcases, two backpacks and two styrofoam coolers to get in there. Well with some readjustment to the front items we did manage to get it all inside. By 10:30 we were about ready to hit the road. Opps, we needed some water to drink so I went back into the motel and asked where the vending machines were. The desk clerk went to the back and got 4 bottles of water and gave them to me, no charge. How nice!!!!! Ok, now we could hit the road.

That night we spent our first night of our trip in Mitchell, SC. It was late by the time we got there so no supper for us. The next morning we filled up on breakfast at the motel and multiple cups of coffee. After checking the truck over and the contents we started out for our next destination, Wyoming, by 9:30 Thursday morning..

We had no luck finding any place to stay the night. There was a pipeline construction and a state track meet that filled every motel for miles and miles. We stopped for pizza for supper and to plan what town to try next. Nothing, zip, nada, no rooms anywhere. We traveled over 900 miles through miles and miles of road construction, rain and total darkness. Along the way my friend Dawn stayed up until almost midnight on her computer to help us find a place to stay. Cell service was not reliable through the mountains and most of Wyoming. A great big thank you to Dawn.

 At 5:30 Friday morning we came across a restaurant in Little America where I asked the clerk if there was a room for the night! PTL we finally got a room. We had been on the road for 21 hours. He gave us an early check in at no extra charge. The room was great and the bed was so good to see. We both were so tired and Mark was so stressed that he could not have made it another mile. But God kept giving him the strength along the way to make it to a place to lay our weary heads. It didn't take more than a minute for us to fall sound asleep. We got up at noon still groggy and shaky from the long stressful drive.

A brisk, cold walk brought us to the restaurant to fill our very hungry tummies with much needed sustenance. Now to rest the remainder of the day so we can continue our journey home. Just two more days and we will be home. God be with us.

We don't know why God allowed the obstacles that were in our way from day one, but I'm sure there is a reason or lesson in there somewhere. We just don't know what it is. At least Lincoln and Maria's wedding went without a hitch. For that I am truly grateful.

That afternoon, Friday, we walked to the restaurant and came across an emplyee in a golf cart. Stopping him to chat, we learned so much about the little city in the middle of nowhere. It's not just a moel, restaurant and gas station. It is a self contained city that even has a post office and fire department. They are a totally self sufficient unincorporated city. Oh I was thrilled that they had soft water too. It made for a very pleasant shower in the morning. Anyway..... there are also home where people live year round, for $800 all inclusive per month. No expenses at all and no upkeep to pay for either. Wow. Employees are shuttled to and from work so they don't have to drive so far to work. From what I can remember there is a Little America in 4 other states. It and all the Sinclair stations are owned by a 92 year old lady. The gentleman we talked to shared a plethora of history on the Little America and the state of Wyoming. You could tell he loved his job and his state of Wyoming. I don't ever want to come to Wyoming again, twice was more than enough for me.

Saturday morning we will head to Utah to visit our friends there

May 14, 2019

Tuesday evening we had a great group of friends help us load all of our belongings from storage into the rental truck. Jeremy and Bobo showed up early. They had the challenge of getting the bikes into the truck. One with a flat tire and the other with a stone dead battery that refused to stay running. So that meant pushing the heavy bikes up the loading ramp. Argh!!! Then the next issue of how to get the bikes strapped down. There were no D rings or anything to stap the ratchet straps to. But putting the three heads together they got the bikes secured. Harlan, Duane, David and Dawn showed up after they got off work. It was funny hearing a comment that Mark had more in storage than I. Within two hours our shed was empty and the truck was ready for us to roll out in the morning. Stuffed right up to the doors all of our belongs were inside the truck. Without the help of such wonderful friends we never would have gotten the truck loaded. God Bless these treasures we call friends.

All the furniture will need a very good cleaning with Murphy's Oil Soap and elbow grease. The three years in MN dampness caused a lot of surface mold and mildew. That had me in tears. But I can fix that, or at least I hope that I can.

May 14, 2019

Mak got up a bit before 6 to pick up Bobo for their trip to the cities to drop off the rental car and pick up the rental truck. Prayers being said for a safe and hassle free drive. But there were still issues. They didn't have the truck ready and it was never serviced. Mark and Bobo checked the oil and found that it was 2 quarts low. From what I learned Bobo really laid into them good!!!! You don't mess with friends. I'm sure the guys did a lot of catching up on the drive back to Hutch in the truck. And I know that they will miss each other greatly. But I also know they will see each other again.

I on the other hand had a lunch with my two best friends. I walked to Squeaky's on a beautiful sunny day and got a ride back to the motel from Dawn. My friend Wendy kept me sane during the worst year working at Park Elementary. Everyone treated me horribly except for Wendy. Her kind words and actions were soothing and got me through many many hard days. Dawn has been a true friend and sister in Christ and has stayed in constant contact with me since leaving MN. I'm forever grateful that God brought these two amazing ladies into my life.

It was so fun catching up and reminiscing with Wendy. We shared many laughs and our hopes of what is to come. Dawn is always a good listener and has kept me grounded. I tend to lose my way from time to time but she has a way of reeling me back. I couldn't love those two ladies more.

May 13, 2019

Monday morning after breakfast we each went our own way. Mark visited friends and I met Patty for lunch and some shopping. She was my free Uber driver. Since nowhere in Yuma can we get good summer sausage or skin on wieners I needed to stop and get some at Walmart and Cashwise. Then to Aldi's for their diet bread and a candy treat for Mark.

Patty and I ate lunch at Jimmy's Pizza and it as delish. She got to see pictures of our new home and Lincoln wedding. There was a lot of talking going on!!!! It was so great to see her again. She wasn't feeling up to par but she still drug me around town.

Mark called around 4:30 and said he would pick m e up so we could get my motorcycle. Luckily Sharon was home so we could get Beauty. After some coaxing with a jump start Beauty started up. We chatted with Sharon while Beauty warmed up and then off we went. Mark took back roads since we had on current tab or insurance on the bike. We got as far as the Methodist church on school road and the rear tire went flat. After a hard exhausting puch up a hill Mark got the bike into the church parking lot. He rested for awhile and then we headed off to buy a tire plug kit and to Corey's for an air tank. The plug wouldn't hold so we needed more air in the tank. Off to Crow River Auto to get the air tank filled. David gave us a larger tank that he filled for us and some tools too. Ok back on the road, but not for long. About a block from hwy 15 round about, the second plug blew. Sitting and thinking Mark called Bobo for help.

While waiting for Bobo and Jeremy to come with a trailer, Mark had me run and get heavy rope and ratchet ties we needed in the rental truck to tie down the bikes. The guys showed up shortly after I got back to Mark. Jeremy pushed Beauty onto the trailer and held onto her while she was being strapped down tightly onto the trailer. Off to the storage shed we went with Bobo in a truck pulling the trailer and the rest of us following.

John had to cut the padlock off for us since we lost the keys in our last move. The shed was too full for Beauty to enter so Jeremy pushed her towards Johns shop and Mark covered her with the bike cover. Thanks and hugs all around for the help.

There is no Menards in AZ so we had to stop and look around. Flying to MN meant we had no tools of any kind. Which is what we may need on our long drive back to Yuma. So Mark picked up a multi tool and of course some munchies.

It was 9 before we finally had time to eat supper. Most places were closing so we opted for Taco Johns again. Good thing we like their taco's. Tummies content we headed back to the motel. A very stressful day made idling down difficult.

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 12, 2019

Sunday morning we left the motel to head to Hutch. Only we didn't go straight to Hutchinson. Mark surprised me with a route for me to see my mom. She was surprised to see us. It was so great to see her coherent and able to visit this time. Shortly before we got there she was given some morphine and another water pill. So about an hour later she was becoming confused and very tired. Randy and Julie stopped to see mom just as we were leaving so we got to see them for a short bit. I had a nice Mothers Day surprise that I will remember for years. Only one thing would have made it better.

We got to Hutch about 6:30 or so. After settling in to the Motel, Mark went to see his friends in Silver Lake, and I took a shower and settled in after a nice long shower. I'll be meeting Patty and some friends before heading back home to Yuma.

May 11, 2019

Saturday started out chilly and cloudy, but that didn't put a damper on the joy of the day. Now and then a breeze would come in and blow over some things, but with a of adjustments it was back in place unscathed. The decorations were what I would call simple elegance. Maria worked hard and did a great job of putting together all the decorations and the choreography of the whole wedding. The theme was of the Lord of the Rings which is a game they greatly enjoy and are very much involved. The bridesmaids attire were reflections of the women of the game, as were the swords which were raised for Maria to cascade down the isle to Lincoln, her groom. A dear friend of theirs officiated the ceremony, His words were very touching and heartfelt. The best man gave a speech that had us in tears and he even said some words in the language of their game. Or so I think it was, I only understand english. hehehe There were many speeches from friends and Maria's family. They all touched our hearts and had Mark and I in tears once again. Hearing how many and how Lincoln touched so many lives made us very proud parents. The praises made toward Maria gave us a better insight to the wonderful person she is. The love that Maria and Lincoln have for one another was so very evident. It made this mom and dad so very proud.

Following the ceremony was cocktail hour and pictures. The wind was not being kind for the outdoor pictures but it didn't hamper the spirits one bit. Dinner of steak, salmon, cheese potatoes, almond green beans, and candied carrots satisfied everyones hungry stomach well. The sustenance was needed for the dance that followed the meal. And everyone enjoyed themselves immensely.

The bride and groom started the dance with their practiced first dance. What a wonderful dance it was too. Then an anniversary dance was next. All married couples were asked to the dance floor. The DJ asked for those married for less than 6 months to leave the floor, then one year, 5 years and so on. That left Mark and I being the last ones on the dance floor, being married the longest.

We didn't stay for the last dance of the night. My toes were frozen to the bone and us old folks were tired and worn out. So around 9 we left for out motel.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

May 10, 2019

Friday morning we woke up to a very cold outside temp of 36º. We are not used to that anymore. And I'm glad I brought a winter coat along. I'll be needing it. All we did was sit and rest the morning away and I even took a nsp, which I never do. Yesterday really zapped us.

Early afternoon we went to Ramsay Park and Lincoln took us on a quick tour of the park. We saw the beautiful falls and fast rolling river. The wedding party was busy setting up things for the wedding tomorrow. The sun was shining but it was chilly. But the warm welcome from Lincoln and Patrick warmed me to my toes. It was so great seeing them again.

Mark and I didn't have lunch and we were getting mighty hungry. We stopped at a Country Kitchen only to find that they had just closed. One of the employees saw us and let us in anyway. Wow. They were doing the end of the day cleaning. We found it odd that they closed at 3 in the afternoon but in such a small farming community we understood.

After a quick bite we headed back to the park for rehearsal. What a fun time that was. Everyone was so full of excitement and jocularity. Lincoln's dog Rory was not at all happy with all the repetition so she tried a few times to hide from Patrick. But Patrick did a good job of keeping her where she needed to be. Yes, Rory is in the wedding and lined up with the groomsmen with Patricks guidance.

Rehearsal over and off to the grooms dinner and a cocktail. Maria had a burger and hot wing bar planned. With a tossed salad, bread stick, relishes, and tater tots, everyone left with full tummies. The guys headed back to the motel for a game that they enjoy. Mark went along to watch and I opted for the motel and a nice hot shower.

May 9, 2019

Thursday stared out at 3:30 am. The horrible music sounding from the radio alarm woke me from a dead sleep of only a couple hours. My apprehension of flying and excitement kept sleep at bay for most of the night.

Our friend Steve picked us up just before 5 to take us to the Yuma airport. Upon arriving at the airport we checked out luggage and got our reserved tickets. We met a lady from Yuma heading to Colorado to meet her 6th grandchild. She like us, packed for the cold weather we were about to encounter.

Mark and  I did not have seats by one another this trip. My seat made was a nice man who kept me calm during the flight. This time I had trouble with dizziness. He told me to close the window, close my eyes and take deep breaths.. All the while he chatted about his job. That helped keep me calm. Upon landing in Phoenix we came across the lady from Yuma. We exchanged our flight experience. She had some dramamine and offered me two to help with my next flight. After a quick bite to eat at Wendy's we met the son of the gentleman that bought our little trailer. His father, Ray, passed away on Sunday. He was on stand by in Phoenix to make arrangements. So sad that Ray never got to live in the trailer that he was so excited about.

After a start delay and slow unloading of our Yuma flight, and early departure of the Phoenix flight, we missed our flight out of Phoenix. American Airlines treated us very rudely and weren't much help with our dilemman. They did offer us Stand by for the next day since all flights for Thursday were already overbooked. After an uncomfortable flight and now thie, my blood pressure soared. Now what do we do?

A quick internet search found us one airline that had two seats for Thursday left. We hurried, well Mark doesn't hurry, to find now to get to the Delta terminals. With some help from airport staff we found the check in point. Not having already purchased tickets we needed to find someone to tell us where to go to purchase tickets. Once we got ot the right area, I almost needed an EMT. The price of same day flights are outrageously priced. But we had no option. We had reservation for the motel and the car rental waiting for us in MN. Mark contacted Expedia and told them our dilemma and they took care of contacting our car and motel reservations to hold everything for us.

The Delta flight, thanks to the extra Dramamine, was a much better flight. The plaine looked to be quite new and the attendants were very friendly too. Mark watched a movie all the way that wasn't many years old and it was free to watch. I just tried to stay in an upright position and battle the aching butt/thigh muscle. I was uncomfortable most of the way to MPLS.

After renting a car from Budget we were finally on our way to Redwood Falls. The care they gave us was a Ford Fusion Hybrid. Nice car but glad we don't own one. I much prefer our truck and SmartCar. Upon leaving the airport we found that we were smack dab in the middle of rush hour. Luckily we never hit the stop and go, bumper to bumper traffic. Exiting towards Hwy.7 didn't take long. Stopping Hutch for a quick bite at Taco Johns and a potty break we were energize to continue our journey. It was a nice scenic ride.

Check in at the  Quality Inn went smoothly. The mangers were new and anxious to show us how warm and accommodating they could be. The reviews on line were not very good but it was where we needed to be within our budget. We found the Inn to be very clean and everything worked. The bed was very comfortable as well. I needed to ask for an additional pillow for my arthritic shoulder and elbow. In the morning the breakfast consisted of cereal, scrambled egs, sausage patties, toast coffee and juice. There were also doughnuts bagels, muffins, oatmeal, waffle mix, and fruit. Which is a lot more than at McCormicks Shamrock Inn in Hutchinson. You were lucky to get coffee and toast. The accommodations at the Shamrock in were in ill repair. The previous managers had to be the reason for the bad reviews at the QI, because it is far better with the new managers now.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Due to the large amount of stuff we still have in storage we purchased a portable carport/garage on Monday. Harbor Freight had them on sale at a very good price. Yesterday Mark finished with the assembly and Shelby got to park in it last night. The little SmartCar fits perfectly and there will still be room for our motorcycles. When our things get here from MN some totes will go in there until we can sort through everything. It will be hot so we will bring boxes in as we empty the ones in the house.

We never got all of our possessions sold by the time we left MN in the Montana so they are waiting in storage for us to go through and keep or give away. Now that we have a bigger place to live we will get to keep more than if we were still in the little trailer. Of course it will be hot by the time we get our things here and unloaded from the truck. I'll have plenty to keep me busy all summer long. But there isn't much else to do in the summer other than going to the pool in the mornings.

Yesterday after supper I went with Mark to the pool again. I didn't last long the water wasn't very warm again. The wind made the wet skin ice cold so it wasn't a refreshing swim to me.  I'll not go again unless we go in the warmer afternoon or the temps are higher. The heater gets turned off in the summer because the sun warms the water in the pool nicely. I'm not sure if the heater is off or not, but the water was to cold for me. Right now the evenings are cool so it takes a long time to warm the water to a comfortable temperature for me. My toes were so cold by the time I walked home last night they hurt. The big heavy towel kept most of me from frostbite. LOL A hot shower warmed me up some when I got home. I just don't do cold well at all anymore.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Up and running

Mark has all the security cameras up and running, as well as the accent lights up and shining. I love the inside accent lights as they just give the living room a nice subtle ambiance. Outside the lights lighten up the porch without attracting planes.  We have one set of outside lights that just don't fit anyplace at this time. They are very bright and we really don't want them on the porch. At the little trailer we had them shine towards the driveway and sidewalk. It made it easy to see who or what was there. No sidewalk here. :) That means no golf carts flying by or people walking their dogs and thinking the dog can use our drive as a bathroom. 😡

Today I'll be washing Lola's extra bed for her stay at the kennel. It has been sitting on the porch and is now more of a sandbox than a bed. We had some pretty windy days stirring up the sand. I'll give the porch a good sweeping today too. By afternoon it will be hot and I won't want to do much outside other than sit and read. The previous owners left a nice patio set that we enjoy using.  Big glass top table with 4 large cushioned (replaceable) chairs. All are in really good shape too.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Even though we have been preoccupied with moving and bringing our stuff from MN to Yuma, we also have something else exciting to look forward to,  it’s the reason for the trip to MN to begin with. Our son is getting married on the 11th of May. We are excited to see them begin their life together as man and wife. The sad part is that Mark, I and Marks sister and husband will be the only one of Lincoln’s relatives there. Not one of his cousins took the time to even send back an RSVP. He was broken hearted and I felt so bad for him. But I reminded him that we are the black sheep of the family. I thought he was used to it by now, but he still hurt badly. Emails, snail mail and roads only go one way and he and us have lived in the wrong direction. Barb, his aunt and Godmother and Uncle David have been to many of his activities even though they lived several hours away. They have invited him to holidays, never forgot his birthdays, and such, he was never felt left out or made to feel forgotten by them. He will now be sharing a life with a family that enjoys each others company and thrives to stay in touch. I’m so happy for him to have that in his life. My cousin Patty has been a constant in my life. As our children were growing and we were busy with our children's need, we didn’t connect as often as we would have liked, life just got in the way, but  we still at least sent cards to one another and knew we were just a phone call away. And now more than ever I am happy we have each other. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t contact me in some way shape or form. I don’t have to be the first one to make the move and neither does she.  It’s just a given that we will hear from one another.

God bless the marriage of our son Lincoln and his love, Maria.