Thursday, July 18, 2019

Week of July 14th

Tuesday Mark had it with my worthless phone and we headed to town. First stop was AT&T since that is our carrier. Their prices were way too high so off we went to Best Buy. We got the same phone for about half the price so we got Mark a new one too. The Samsung phones we had were a piece of crap. I hope our new Motorola do much better. I had one years ago and loved it so we thought we would go back to that brand.

We had a late lunch at Godfathers so we didn’t need a supper. But we had a root beer float. It was late when we got home from town so the float really hit the spot. A nice cool down. The day was pretty much shot from shopping. The rest of the night we set up our phones the way we like them.

July 17

Mark worked today at 3. I took Lola to the vet for her annual check up and shots. She was such a good girls too. Just sat and waited her turn. But when it was her turn she changed her mind and decided going home was a better idea. hehehe But she got on the scale as she was told and was a good girl for the vet and his nurse. She did let them them know she wasn’t happy with the whole deal by pooping in the office. P U, what a smell in a small area. But I’m a good pet parent and carry doggie poop bags in my pocket and cleaned up the pile. The nurse said that happens more times than not. Yesterday Lola had her appointment at the groomers so the last two days were Lola days. She will be happy to not go anywhere today.

The excessive heat has subsided so now it’s just hot. hehehe But we do live in a desert so it’s hot and dry in the summer. And the a/c is working good again too.

I got tired of all the brown and beige in here so I bought some blue pillow and rugs for the living room to brighten it up. The kitchen has red rugs and curtains, bathroom of course is purple, bedroom is maroon and now the living room is blue. The AZ room needs to be done next but that would require new curtains and the windows are huge so that will have to wait until next year. And the room is all windows. Although we have them covered with insulation in the summer. In Minnesota we covered the windows in the winter, here we cover them in the summer.

This morning we are going to get Mark some good shoes. His feet get so sore at work and he is more than due for new. He worked  5 days in a row and he was shot. A gal was suspended for two weeks so he was given some of her hours.He really doesn’t want to work more than 4 in a row anymore.