Thursday we finally got Mark some shoes. The Sketcher's Outlet store in town had a good buy one get one half off on top of their discounted prices. So I got a pair too. Saturday night when Mark got home from work he couldn’t believe how good those shoes made his feet feel. I love Sketchers so I was really hoping that a pair would work well for him too.
Not much happening here, just the same ole same old. Mark’s been working quite a bit lately but I still don’t seem to get anything done at home. I’ve not been in the best of moods, just really down. Even Lola has noticed and has been a big hugger.
The cases for our new phones came yesterday so now it’s easier for me to hold onto the cell phone. My hands just don’t like to do some of the things that they used to. And the art in my left hand is a pain in the butt. But at least my right hand is pretty good yet. For that I’m thankful.
The other day I made some strawberry freezer jam, and it turned out pretty good. I'm not much of a jam or jelly eater but Mark loves it on his toast. The recipe I made took a lot of sugar so I hope to make some with Pectin this next time. Fry's has strawberries on sale for 75¢ a pound. Great price and great berries too.
I believe that I should try journaling my thoughts and feelings. But I'm having a hard time getting started and not comfortable putting my real feelings down on paper. But it's been said it's a good way to get rid of any anger or hurt feelings in a constructive manner. Not sure I want to write a book though. Writing is hard for me to do, typing is much easier on my hands, but writing by handit is supposed to be more beneficial. Hmmmmm. I've got notebook(s) and pencils, now to just get started. Where do I start?
For a few days we are suppose to have some humidity. Not humidity by MN standards, but to us Yuman's, 40% is high. We are more used to the teens and twenties. The temps are on the rise again for a few days too. I'm not real nuts about the temps when they hit the 111+º but it's more tolerable than when it's 85º and humid. Yesterday was pleasant with mostly cloud cover. We stayed out of the hundreds anyway. 😎 Today we have full sunshine so it will be warmer and the a/c will work harder than we will. 😂