Friday, July 5, 2019

First week of July

Thursday the dentist just made the impressions so tomorrow they will put in the cap.  

It only took an hour for the dental work to be done today, Friday. But we had to wait for almost 45 minutes…..we got there too early. hehehe No novocaine, no pain or discomfort. Dr Gill is so gentle as is his assistant. Unreal. Now to get used to having a tooth where there hasn’t been one in over three years. It really feels weird. hehe My tongue can’t figure out what is in its way. hehe I can’t chew anything for a couple hours so I’m really glad I had a bowl of cereal this morning and not just a cookie and coffee. There is a lot of my salad from yesterday left so I’ll have a big bowl of that later. I opted to not have the other implant done at this time. The bank account has been hit hard enough this year,so I'll wait until next year to get the other implant done.

We went to the gathering here in the park on the forth of July. The lady that did the roast turkey did a really good job, even the gravy was good. Not that I eat much gravy but I wanted to try it. Lots of good food. Someone brought mac and cheese and makes it just like I do, with Velveeta cheese and milk. It was a real treat and delicious. I had two helpings. hehehe I chatted with her and found that she cooks and bakes like me, everything from scratch. Not that I do much of anything anymore but was nice to see someone younger still going things like that. Not many do anything from scratch anymore. She was fun to chat with. It was quite warm in there so two hours was all I could take and we had to leave. But it was nice even though the turn out wasn’t as big as last year. Could be that not as many live here full time anymore. I’ll have to ask my neighbor.