Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Today when Lola and I were walking back home from her morning jaunt, we got sprinkled with drops of rain. By the time we got inside the house it was raining good. But it never lasts long. This morning it lasted just long enough to make it muggy. Not humid like in MN, but by Yuma standards, and it's feels awful. The humidity and arthritis are not friends and my hands are screaming at the weather to clear. But this too shall pass. Thank God for medications that help with the tenderness.

If I can muster up the ambition the house needs a good cleaning. Not just a lick and a promise this time, but the whole nine yards. It's so easy to get lazy around here, it's just so relaxing.

Monday Mark went on a long motorcycle ride. It's too hot for me  and in the winter too many people. Looks like I'll never ride anymore. Might just as well sell my bike. We could use the money more than I will ever ride. My hands don't grip like they used to so not sure how far I would get if I did go anywhere. Mark seems to like to just go by himself anyway. Which is fine with me in this heat.