Sunday, July 14, 2019


It's a hot one out there already. When I took Lola down at 9 it was already 90º, but there is wind. Lola was a smart little girl and walked on the concrete and not the tar. Her mamma was a big dummy and didn't drive her to the dog walk. It wasn't until we got home and I was sweating bullets and puffing like an old steam engine did I realize that I should have taken the car. Good thing Lola was smart. I now need to change into dry clothes and take another shower. I hate to sweat or be sweaty. You can bet big money I won't make the mistake of walking that far in the heat again. hehehe

After so many early rises and Mark working so many days in a row we slept in until 8. Too late to make it to church. It will be too hot to leave the house for any other reason today too. Although Mark works today and again tomorrow. They suspended a gal for two weeks so they gave Mark some of her hours. Nice money but he is getting mighty tired. The excessive heat warning is still in effect. It didn't get as hot yesterday as it was predicted, PTL, but today and tomorrow, wow.

Well we now know why Mark was given extra hours at work. Today our a/c unit went out. God knew we were going to need the extra money. It was getting warmer and warmer in the house. First I thought it was just me, but then I checked the thermostat and yes, it was getting warmer. It was 84º in the house. I could feel very warm air coming out of the vent in the bedroom so I went to check the vent in the kitchen, same thing. So I called to get the a/c fixed. The first guy couldn’t come until tomorrow at 12:30 or so. Nope that’s not doable. Then I went to the neighbors and borrowed their phone book and I called someone else. They called back in 5 minutes, showed up in 20 minutes and had it fixed in 25 minutes. It was the dual starter switch. Luckily for Lola and I that we have a wall a/c unit in the family room. So we closed that door and stayed comfortable in there. The house is now at 85º instead of 91 that it was earlier. It will take at least until bedtime before it cools completely in here. But much better than it was and better than having to stay at a motel. Praise the Lord prayers were answered.