Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Sunday night ruckus.

Sunday night I didn’t sleep very well so I slept in later than I wanted to this morning. That meant I had to hurry and get dressed and head out the door to the laundry room. It’s warm enough in the morning and worse in the afternoon so I needed to hurry so I could get back home where it’s cool. There is no a/c in the laundry rooms so it’s deadly in there in the afternoon and not so great in the morning but somewhat better.

Sunday evening when I was going to take Lola out Cory and his two dogs were walking by. One of them got very aggressive to Lola some months back. She didn’t forget that either. Seeing them walking by she managed to get out of the porch through a small opening and headed straight to that dog, while I was trying to get to her and put her back inside until they passes Well she got out through the small opening next to the gate.. Cory has them on long leashes that don’t retract so they were tangling up around his legs and not easily controlled, and he was trying to lift them away from Lola. The mean one kept at Lola while the other just joined for the fun of it all. Finally Cory was able to get Lola picked up. I soothingly told her to calm down and relax, and she did, so I could get her safely out of Cory’s arms. She never once turned on Cory.  I was so angry and scared at the same time. It was just a matter of time when those two dogs locked horns. Whenever we see him with his dogs we either go the other way or make sure Lola is inside. I even avoid walking by him when I am by myself. (His dogs are like a rat terrier, smaller than Lola). She and the other dog really have a dislike towards one another. His dog is not a friendly dog to begin with. Anyway that was my terrifying excitement for the day. I just hope he doesn’t report Lola as being aggressive. Then I will have to report that his one dog is not a friendly dog and explain where Lola’s attitude came from Sunday night. She gets along great with all other dogs.  Cory doesn’t seem to be the brightest bulb on the tree to begin with either. Maybe now he will walk down another road. He doesn’t need to come down this way, he knows there is a personality conflict with our dogs. Like I said, he's not too bright.

Yesterday Mark got called in early and I took advantage and finally cleaned the house good. I took the area rug out of the living room. I like the way it looks but it makes it too hard for me to clean in there. I’ve got it for sale and have two people interested. Several want me to lower the price and I won’t do that. Its’ way too low as it is.  It took a couple days for Mark to even notice I took the area rug out of the living room.