Sunday, July 28, 2019

Up and at 'em

This morning I woke up, for church, without an alarm clock. I thought the a/c was acting up. But once I was up I found that it was just the wild wind. And boy is it wild. I'm sure in the outskirts of town the dirt is really flying making breathing difficult. The temps are to be quite high today so the wind will be a mixed blessing.

Mark works again today and tomorrow. That will make 4 days in a row. The schedule is so mixed up these days with people just not showing up. There are a few that should be fired. WM is so strict on some of their rules and so lax in others. A very disorganized clueless company. It's very true, that they really do not care about their employees. Some of the floor managers should get a medal for dealing with such turmoil and indecisiveness of the store and company management. Mark works under a great department manager, who Wm would be lost without. She is an amazing worker and person. That makes Mark a lucky employee.

With Mark working I really hope to get some cleaning done and not just sit in front of the tv. I won't be shaking out rugs, but can vacuum a few of them. With the wind and the heat, it's not wise to be going in and out of the house. Yesterday Lola didn't even want to go out to go potty until 5 pm. She just didn't want to go outside before that. Good decision on her part, the sun was on the other side of the house so the ground wasn't quite as hot as when it was in the sun. But how she made it that long is beyond me. I drove her down to the dog walk in the evening so neither she or I had to deal with the hot evening walk. Today will be more of the same.

Church and dinner out then sit and do nothing for a bit while Mark takes his nap. hehehe This is why I don't get much done when he is home. Who am I kidding, lately I don't do much when he is gone. LOL