Last Friday, while I was watching tv, I felt a weird little tremor. Thinking it was my heart being silly, I shifted in my recliner and happened to notice that the water in the little fish tanks was rocking, then I noticed that the hanging plants were swinging a little bit. Yep, I felt the tremor of the earthquake in California last night. What an odd feeling that was. The earthquake last night in California was a 7.4, the day before it was a 6.1, that one we never felt here. We are about 360 from where the earthquake was and we in Yuma felt a little shimmy.
Thursday Mark and I went to Lowes to get two new burners for the stove. It turned out that the stove was level but the burners were so bent out of shape they weren’t right. Kind of expensive so we just got two burners. We will look again later for two more. Then they will all be replaced. We also got the burner pans since the old ones really looked bad. At least under the stove got cleaned. Mark took care of that for me. Sure is nice having at least two good burners.
Wednesday when I went to pay our electric bill I got the mail too. And in the mail was the lien release on his bike. Mark was as happy as a lark. And another happy note, our electric bill was quite a bit less than we expected. :) So today is starting out on a happy note. Well, Lola isn’t happy. Her right front leg hurts. I’m sure it’s because she lays on it bent most of the day. Summertime we don’t get out and walk like we do when it’s cooler outside. So we all stiffen up some in the summer. That is where the pool helps us but not Miss Lola.
Wednesday evening Mark got a message from the store manager to check his schedule. They gave him more hours in the next couple weeks. They are suppose to check with him before the schedule is changed so Mark's floor manager isn't happy about that not being done, but happy that Mark got more hours. Luckily we have no plans so it works out ok and we are happy about more hours too.