Monday, July 1, 2019


After the phone call from the shop to come and get Marks bike and my tire, we headed to the DMV for tabs, and called to get insurance. There was no issue getting the plate for my bike. But after closer examination we noticed that there was a lien on Marks bike. What? We never had a loan on that bike. Ok, when he bought the bike back in 2008, there was a deal of 6 months no interest and a big savings to the cost. So we took that and paid off the bike just before the 6 months was up. We never were sent a clear title from the that bank. And after all these years we had forgotten about it too.

When the bikes were home Mark was on the phone for over two hours trying to track down who had the title and what could he do to get the lien removed. He was sent here and there and everywhere, making phone call after phone call. With time difference being an issue he had to wait for the next day with the next call. And that was to Capital ONe. They evidently bought out the bank holding the loan. He was told by CO that he needed to send a copy of the title and whatever else, I forget. If it was sent email it would take a month to get the title and if it was faxed it would take two weeks. With all the technology out there now days, it shouldn't take that long.  Anyway now it's a waiting game. Mark was so excited to have his bike here in Yuma and home from the shop and now he still has to wait to ride. The temps are getting too hot to do much riding now. So any riding will be short and sweet.

 Mark got the tire on my bike and it's ready to roll. So he went to put gas in the tank and noticed that the speedometer wasn't working. It all worked  before the tire blew. So now he has to check and see if the cable didn't get connected with the new tire change. Usually I'm the slowest driver on the road, but without a speedometer I really don't trust my judgment of speed. So my ride is waiting too. I can't afford a ticket.

We are once again frequenting the pool. I like the fact that I can actually get a tan here and not burn. Well, that's because we only spend an hour in the pool. On these hot days it sure is nice having a pool so close at hand. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have a pool in my backyard. Let alone actually use it. hehehe

It's the time of year where it doesn't cool down much at night. The new a/c unit in the family/AZ room is great to have. We can now be comfortable in this room any time of day.

Monsoon season is upon us as well. Last year was our first experience in a monsoon rain. I found two windows that leaked in the little house. The previous owners were never here during the summer so they didn't know there were leaks. We hope that this place, being it's newer and has much better windows, has no leaks at all. We have a rain gauge from storage that I hope to put out before the big rains. Even though the rain comes down hard and fast, it doesn't measure out to be much. This time I want to see just what it measures with my own eyes. The ground is so hard that I may have to be quite creative to set up the gauge. Yuma is a river bed so the ground is packed like concrete.

A hot day ahead of us so it will be a pool day. Maybe we will go to the pool twice today.