Saturday, July 6, 2019

Friday July 5, 2019

Yesterday morning we headed to Mexico to my dentist and I got the cap put on my implant. It only took about an hour or so and there was no need for any numbing. I was told to wait at least two hours before I chewed on that side. Well I've been so used to not chewing on that side that it wasn't until this morning when I actually did chew on the new tooth. It feels quite comfortable but my tongue is wondering where the hole is and keeps checking to see if the tooth has left the area. 

Mark was called into work early yesterday. There was only a half an hour for him to get dressed and me to pack his lunch but we made it in record time. Later in the afternoon he sent me a text saying that my favorite kettle corn vendor was out front. It only took a minute and I was on my way. It was either still hot from the kettle or hot from the high temp outside. But either way it was delicious.

Last night while I was watching Blue Bloods I felt a weird little tremor. Thinking it was my heart I shifted in my recliner and happened to notice that the water in the little fish tanks was rocking, then I noticed that the hanging plants were swinging a little bit. Yep, I felt the tremor of the earthquake in California last night. What an odd feeling that was. The earthquake last night in California was a 7.4, the day before it was a 6.1, that one we never felt here.