Friday, March 8, 2019


Mexico to the rescue once again. Yesterday we went to a dentist in Mexico and I was quite pleased with the cleanliness, care, and professionalism of the dentist. It was cleaner in there than the doctors clinic here in the foothills. The dentist was much more interested in the reason I was there then any doctor I have seen in Yuma.

The dentist went over the x-rays with me and explained everything with me. He went over all options without ever trying to convince me of what to do. The prices were all up front and only 1/4% of the cost in the US. That being said I will be able to have the swollen gland taken care of by putting in an implant, one badly decayed tooth extracted and have an implant in that spot as well. The whole process will take 8 months to complete. Each implant takes 4 months to heal once the peg is put in place.

Monday I go in for one tooth extraction and one peg to be placed. I have a feeling that I'll be eating pudding, soup and ice cream that day. In 4 months I will go back for the "tooth"/cap to go on the peg and that tooth will be done. The extracted tooth area will then get it's peg. In 4 months, after it heals, I will go and get the final implant cap put on. God willing, that should take care of the immediate issues I have been having to deal with in my mouth. It is a long process to get to the final outcome, but if it means no more pain it's worth the time.

Let's go back three years..... just a month before we left for our RV journey, I had a bottom molar pulled because of the gum getting pinched under a cap and being very painful. With time being an issue and another large amount of money for a new cap and process, the tooth was pulled. Two years down the road I was having major issues with my left gland swelling and being painful every time I ate. Each doctor I saw just gave me an antibiotic and it would go down after a couple weeks but return a bit later with a vengeance. I dealt with this for the last two years. When another tooth became abscess I finally went to see a dentist not a medical doctor, here in the foothills. He wanted to do a root canal on the decayed tooth for the outrageous price of $3500!!!!!!! But didn't want to even look at the side with the swelling. That price being out of reach, and lack of concern, is when we decided to go to a dentist in Mexico, one that our friends have gone to with good results. The dentist in Mexico explained how leaving the gap/missing tooth by another molar was causing the pain and swelling, it was leaning towards the empty spot making the roots push into my jaw. He also explained the root canal or an implant in the decayed tooth. The total cost for all that came to just a fraction of what the root canal in Yuma would have cost. And I actually had a concerned dentist wanting me to be pain free.

Now if I could only find a medical doctor in Arizona with compassion and skills. But AZ is known for poor medical services. Although Yuma has the third best cardiac care in the country. That's good to know since we both have heart issues. We were informed that Yuma is short some 37 doctors, so if you know of any doctors looking for work, send them to Yuma. They will be very busy.

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