Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Well my trip to the dentist was not good. I knew I was going to need a root canal but what I didn't expect was the outrageous price. It would cost over $3500!!! That is insane. So we will be going to Mexico to have my dental work done, whether I like it or not. Many many people go there and now I can see why. The last root canal I had done was $1500 about 3 years ago. And I thought that was crazy, but more fair then the price I got yesterday. Next week Mark has off more days than usual so we will go in to Mexico one day and make an appointment for my dental work. Maybe I will be able to afford an implant where I have a missing tooth. In the US, it would cost anywhere from $2000 to $6000 a tooth

God must have decided that Marks hours were not to be cut just yet. Because after next week we will be back on his 3 and 4 day week. Plus last night he was called into the office and was given a 25¢ raise. God is so good to us. Mark was kind of looking forward to less hours but I guess the timing was not right. God knows best.

It's the time of year for eagles nesting. I've been watching a nest in Decorah Iowa for years now and am enjoying them this year too. It's just amazing how the parents work as a great team. I've recently found a second nest in Decorah as well.

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