Wednesday, February 20, 2019

When will it stop?

Just when I think I'm on the mend, not but 8 hours later the crud/cough is back in full force and sleep is a thing of the past. There is only so much cough medicine that you can take in a day. But night always seems to be the worst. I'm glad I quit smoking 8.5 years ago or it would be a lot worse. So I am thankful I quit smoking for that reason too. Oh heck, what's one more gripe? My left gland is so swollen again and hurts like a bugger. The swelling isn't going down this time which is why it is painful. Maybe once the coughing subsides and I get some much needed rest, that will get better too.

On a happier note, well the end part is. hehe Mark lost his phone the other day. We looked all over, I even looked in the fridge,freeze, garbage, and the cupboards. If you know Mark, you can understand why I looked in the most odd places. Luckily we still had my old Motorola phone for him to use. So yesterday we headed to AT&T to have them set up this phone to our account. Just after lunch we got to talking about if the phones were waterproof, when Mark remembered that he took the phone out of his pocket when he went to the bathroom at work so it wouldn't fall into the toilet. Well, after he got to work yesterday he checked at the service counter to see if by some chance someone found it and turned it in there. Low and behold some honest person did just that. Mark had to describe his phone and then it was returned to him. That being said, my faith in people was somewhat restored. He is going to continue using the Motorola and see if he likes it better than his Samsung. He is not real fond of the purple case it's in though. 😅 I do not like the Samsung phone and wish we had changed providers rather than phones. Now we have a more reliable provider so the Motorola should work much better. T-Mobile does not work here in the foothills and Verizon is horribly overpriced. IF he goes back to his Samsung I may use my Motorola again.

This morning it was a cold 36º when I got up at 8. Just a few more days of this 60º stuff and we will be in more pleasant 70º weather. Then I can open the doors and windows to air out all the germs and enjoy some outside time. We all need a good blast of some warmth and sunshine. 😎 Our northern family and friends will agree with that I'm sure. 😊

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