Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thank you Mexico and Canada

Thanks to these two countries my heart will keep me alive until God is ready for me. These two countries are where I can afford to buy my heart pills. Medicare will not help pay for the pills which cost $400 for 30 days. Where as in Mexico I can buy said pill at $8 for 100 pills. Canada can provide me with my other heart pills at a very similar price. Screw the US pharmaceutical companies. I need to take these pills for the rest of my life and have no other option on what I can take. We live close enough to Mexico now so I don't have to worry about running out. That is unless the stupid, jackass US president screws everyone over some more.  But I still have Canada as my other option.

We went to Mexico today with our dear friends Uncle James and Auntie Bettie. And as always we had a lot of fun. Mark and James sat and had coffee while Bettie and I shopped. Well, Bettie shopped and I followed very close behind. She has the most amazing sense of direction, I on the other hand have none and would have been lost in Los Algodones without her. She really scored on some good deals, she can really talk them down in price. Amazing.

It was and still is cold. By the time we got home I was froze to my toes. 😬Turning on the little propane heater when we got home, warmed me up nicely. The heavy sweatshirt helped too. 😀 The rest of this week into next will be unusually cold so I won't be doing much on the porch or craft area. I'll just stay inside and bake or bask in the heat of the heater. 😃

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